
Current Service Times

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 

Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m.

Sunday Evening 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday Evening Service 7:00 p.m. 

Wednesday evening Children's (Kindergarten - 5th grade) and Youth (middle and high school) ministries,

with the meal starting at 6:30 p.m.


September Birthdays 
30 - Joseph Delagarza
October Birthdays
1 - Janis Swanson
3 - Ezra Turner
8 - Toni Barrett
9 - Christine House
10 - Keith Lawler, Wanda Smith
12 - Morgan House
13 - Gracie Crumley
16 - Marion Foster, Chad Swanson
19 - Allen Plemons
22 - Ellsion Vaden
23 - Dorthy Burgess, Betty Etchie
25 - Michael Turner
27 - David Ownbey
October Anniversaries
12 - Mr. & Mrs. David Birchett
19 - Dr. & Mrs. Darrell Weldon
25 - Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borodko